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At Washington Avenue Church of Christ

Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17

The "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's group, inspired by the biblical verse Proverbs 27:17, embodies a powerful commitment to mutual growth, accountability, and support. With a focus on incorporating at least one of the six key pillars—worship, teaching, ministry, fun, working together, and outreach to other men—in each event, the group creates an environment for spiritual development, fellowship, and service.

  1. Worship: The "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's group prioritizes authentic worship experiences where men come together to glorify God and deepen their spiritual connection. Through prayer, praise, and the study of Scripture, we seek to ignite a passion for God and His Word.

  2. Teaching: Rooted in the wisdom of Scripture, the Men's group provides engaging teaching sessions led by experienced leaders. These sessions delve into relevant topics, offering practical insights and biblical perspectives to help men navigate the complexities of life with faith and integrity.

  3. Ministry: Committed to fostering the well-being and growth of its members, the "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's group prioritizes support and encouragement within its own ranks. Encouraging our men to engage with each other in small group discussions, and personal accountability partnerships, members provide mutual support, guidance, and prayer for each other's spiritual journeys and personal development.

  4. Fun: Recognizing the importance of fellowship and bonding, the Men's group organizes fun-filled activities and social events. From outdoor adventures to game nights and barbecues, these gatherings provide opportunities for laughter, relaxation, and building lasting friendships among brothers in Christ.

  5. Working Together: Embracing the concept of "iron sharpening iron," the Men's group collaborates on physical projects that require teamwork and cooperation. Whether it's participating in community service projects, organizing workdays for those in need, or tackling maintenance tasks within the church, members strengthen their bonds through shared labor and mutual support.

  6. Reaching Out to Other Men: Guided by a heart for evangelism and discipleship, the "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's group actively reaches out to other men in their community. We extend a welcoming hand to those seeking spiritual growth and transformation, inviting them to join in fellowship and journeying together in faith.

Grounded in the biblical principle of iron sharpening iron, the "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's group is dedicated to fostering a culture of growth, accountability, and brotherhood where men can sharpen and encourage one another in their walk with God.

First Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Breakfast

Please contact us if you have any questions about how to get involved and we will be happy to help.

Upcoming Men’s Events

Click on each title for more details.